The Touring Academy

Courses designed to get you started on the road and take you further in your career with live entertainment production and tour management.

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The Touring Academy Experience

Take a look at what people experience at the Touring Academy.


Get Started. Go Further.
Stay Connected.

The Touring Academy features courses taught by music industry professionals who have spent years touring and doing live production and tour management. We know getting started in this field can be intimidating, which is why we decided to create an answer to the question "How do I get started?" 

Touring 101 (and beyond)

Our Touring 101 course teaches you the basics in audio, lighting, video, stage managing, production management, merchandising, and tour management so you can get started working on the road in any of these areas.


We'll also connect you to tours and companies looking to fill positions. We want to see people mentored into a career on the road and setup to succeed in this industry.

Upcoming Courses:

Standby for more course dates to be announced.

Touring 101 : 6 full days / 48+ Hours of hands-on & classroom training in Nashville. All the essentials to get you prepared to start working on a tour.

Click here for full details!

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